
  • Marissa Mayer and Working Remotely

    The uproar this week is that recently appointed savior of Yahoo Marissa Mayer may have just caused herself irreparable damage by issuing a decree that requires everyone to work from the office rather than from home. Even well-regarded titan of all things Richard Branson weighed in on the…

  • What a Long Strange Trip It's Been

    Nearly ten years ago – seriously! – I heard about this blogging thing and decided I would figure out what it was all about. So I installed Movable Type on a hosting account I had sitting around collecting dust. At the time, it was running on version 2.64….

  • Are movies going to undergo a fundamental change?

    Our youngest has said for years that he wants to make movies. Unfortunately, he doesn't actually do so, but that is a story for another time. This does, however, lead to another discussion – the movie industry. We want to try and get him to think about what…

  • Move Thunderbird Signature for Identity

    One difficulty in current versions of Thunderbird is that even if you have set the preference to move the signature line related to the quote, it will not be saved correctly. Luckily there is a way to move this manually. The only problem is that it is a…

  • Back-to-Back Bombs in Baghdad

    Way back in 2001, just after the second plane hit the second World Trade Center tower, before anyone in the US really thought much about terrorism, I turned to my girlfriend (who would later become my wife) and told her that it made sense that the second plane…

  • VC8 Library was not Installed Correctly

    Another week, another software problem. But this one isn't coming from Microsoft. No, this time it is Logitech who is causing issues. Though I waffle between keyboards from time to time, my mouse is almost always Logitech, because they are just so comfortable. These days it is really…

  • Boy Killed While Trick-or-Treating

    A man in Sumter, South Carolina, saw masked people outside his house and opened fire. With an AK-47 assault rifle. Shots struck a 12-year-old boy. Thirteen times. The boy was pronounced dead at the hospital shortly thereafter. With all the hubbub about whether or not teenagers should be…

  • Bailout Money Madness

    Way back in December of last year, rumblings were heard about a deal for freezing rates for homeowners having trouble with their mortgages. Yesterday, it was announced that the government may have the plan ready to use about $50 billion from the financial bailout in order to guarantee…

  • Cannot Redeclare Class 'MT' in mt.php

    While the dynamic publishing model of Movable Type is not heavily used, it is actually a very useful feature. Probably not as a complete CMS – mostly because it is not full-featured – but certainly to provide some nice functionality on the side as it were. Unfortunately the…

  • North Carolina Ballots Strike Again

    About a year ago, some strange ballot wording opened the door to victory – or at least continued existence – to the Mecklenburg County Transit Tax. It seems that such wording may actually be handed down from the state. You see, in most places, if you were to…