
  • Windows Update Error 0x8ddd0018

    Another less-than-friendly hex error from our friends at Windows Update. Why is it that they cannot write things out and just tell you what the problem is, or even better, how to fix it? That I do not know. But like last time, the problem here is not…

  • Hash Line Over-Indented

    Have you run into this error while trying to update your plugins from the legacy-style Perl format to a brand-spanking-new YAML layout, only to find that you can't seem to figure out just what the problem is? Spending hour after hour troubleshooting and still getting that annoying message…

  • FDIC Plans to Raise Fees to Banks

    With all the excitement that banks are having lately – 13 insured banks and savings and loans have failed this year, including two major thrifts – the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has decided that they need more money coming in to help shore up the money going…

  • How Would You Like to Share Today?

    With the incredible explosion of social media, there are social media sites everywhere. Any time you turn around, it seems there is another one. I'm not just talking about the big boys, like Facebook and Twitter, either. Mister Wong, anyone?(Sadly, Mister Wong is no longer with us.) Cool…

  • There Are No TiVo DVRs Available on the Network

    While TiVoToGo (TTG) is not the most reliable piece of software out there, and often just being able to transfer shows from one TiVo to another is much more useful, there are times when being able to save shows to a computer for later retrieval is a nice…

  • An Error Occurred While Trying to Find Updates

    Much like the Windows Update Errors I mentioned previously, it seems that Firefox has similar problems. Unlike those from Windows Update, however, these at least return a somewhat-friendly message, which helps a bit. So instead of getting a cryptic hex number, you are given a message that reads…

  • Windows Update Errors

    There is no doubt that Windows Update is one of those things that has made life both easier and more complex for everyone. The process of receiving updates is now nearly transparent and can generally be painless – unless something goes wrong, in which case you get errors…

  • Can't Call Method 'entry_based' on an Undefined Value

    Generally you will see this as a longer error message, typically coming from the module, with a particular line number, something like this: Can't call method "entry_based" on an undefined value at lib/MT/Template/ line… The message may seem obscure when you receive the message, but in actuality,…

  • Manually Update Transactions in Microsoft Accounting

    Did you know that it is actually possible to update a transaction in Microsoft Office Accounting (also known as Small Business Accounting)? It is! While I'm still not sure if I like the product, I have to say that it's actually not bad. It is more of a…

  • Can Dell's Automatic Updates Get Any Worse?

    I know that everyone complains about Microsoft, and I've certainly done my share of Redmond-bashing, but I have to say that their automatic updates do a pretty darn good job. They can get awfully annoying, and from time to time there is one that goes awry, but overall…