We the People

  • Free State Project

    I remember reading about the Free State Project sometime last year. It's an interesting experiment, where the goal is to get 20,000 people to relocate to a single state, where they then hope to influence the local government to maintain a bastion of liberty. The proposal seems sound….

  • Take Off Time or Taxes?

    For those of you tired of working already, you might want to skip this piece. It won't make you feel much better about it. You see, it turns out that Friday was Take Back Your Time Day. The idea was to take off Friday in a show of…

  • Cuba or Bust

    For 40 years or so, with the exception of a five-year gap in the late 70s/early 80s, American citizens haven't been allowed to travel to Cuba. It's not bad enough that the government takes our money and spends it with abandon. They have to make up rules that…

  • Right to Stupidity

    This week apparently saw someone ride the falls at Niagara. No barrel, no safety devices. Just man against nature. Maybe that's the trick. All these people in barrels get thrown all over the place and are eventually pummelled to death. This guy apparently didn't have any problems, and…

  • None of the Above

    I remember watching Brewster's Millions (the Richard Pryor version) for the first time way back when. Probably in the mid-80s. Geez. That makes it nearly 20 years ago. Still, it was a fun movie. I think that, even then, I was most impressed by his run for office….

  • Political Affiliation

    I probably most closely align myself with the Libertarian point of view. I'm not always sure if I agree with the Libertarian Party point of view, but I would definitely consider myself a Libertarian at heart. I recently read a book about this very topic. It gets a…

  • Too Much Regulation

    If you live in the US, do you realize just how many regulations govern day-to-day tasks in our country? Sure, you've heard about the Patriot Act. You've read the complaints about how it infringes upon the right of legitimate citizens to receive a certain amount of protection from…

  • Socialized Security

    In the early 80s, three Texas counties opted out of the federal social security program. This does not mean that these counties stopped providing retirement benefits – in fact, the program apparently supplies not only retirement benefits at four times the rate of social security, but the program…

  • Constitutional Prayer

    Earlier this month, an article popped onto my radar about a Wiccan in Great Falls, SC who is suing the city for beginning their meetings with a prayer. Interestingly enough, she is apparently only after the change of "Jesus Christ" to "Our Heavenly Father" or something similar. Definitely…

  • Government and Money

    There have been estimates that the War in Iraq will cost the US as much as $200 billion. USA Today mentions that post-war costs could be as much as $600 billion. The government could run annual deficits of as much as $500 billion. The national debt is nearing…