In Our World

  • Freedom to Cannibalize

    In Germany, a computer expert recently recruited, ate and killed someone he had found on the Internet. Once dead, Mr. Meiwes then ate some more. Apparently the "victim" in this story participated in the process by eating part of his own body. Prior to his death, naturally, and…

  • Helpful Web Pages

    "Some local providers have run out of flu vaccine or have limited supplies. To receive a flu shot, call your doctor or local health department to see if they have vaccine remaining." Where would you find this piece of wisdom? On the Internet, of course, in an article…

  • Postal Disservice

    The other day, my wife and I went to pick up a package that had some postage due. No worries, I figured we'd jump into the car, breeze through the line at the post office and be done in no time. No such luck. First, we had to…

  • Death of an Institution

    While there are undboutedly a number of advantages to living in our world over, say, Afghanistan, I find it terribly disturbing that those advantages can so easily eat up and spit out an institution. I'm talking, of course, about the venerable toy retailer FAO Schwarz….

  • Role of the Hero

    "Show up, wipe your feet at the door and do your job. That's what a hero does." I was in the reading room the other day when I noticed an issue of Men's Health. I don't typically read Men's Health, unless I'm in the reading room. What's more…

  • Shopping Time Again

    I'm sorry, but I don't get it. Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving, millions of people head to the mall. That's right, the mall. Why in the world is this our tradition? As if the mall weren't bad enough, you've got millions of other people there for…

  • Can SprintPCS Read?

    I went over to the SprintPCS website the other day, to find that there are a number of rebates that they offer. In the text of at least one of those rebates, you’ll find this wording: “Customers purchasing a phone without a PCS Free & Clear Plan with…

  • How Is Your Driving?

    Last night on my way home I found myself behind a truck that had one of those stickers on it. You know the kind – it asks you how they are driving, has a serial number of some sort and gives you a phone number to call and…

  • Over and Over and Over

    Seems like there are times when I get on these projects that never end. It wouldn't be so bad if there were at least some progress now and again. Luckily I have Dilbert to comfort me: My project has no progress and no hope for progress. Appeared in…

  • I Hate Rebates

    I refuse to shop at at least one popular computer retailer who would not honor their rebate. Even worse, they didn't mention this until about the fifth time I visited the store to attempt to get my promised rebate. This was even with proof of purchase and proof…