May 2006

  • Tryst

    This Off-Broadway tale of two people is rather interesting in that the two people involved, a con man named George Love (played by Maxwell Caulfield from Grease 2) and his latest love interest Adelaide, alternate the telling. At one moment they narrate from outside the story, as if…

  • Murdered by the Mob

    In the same vein as Tony n' Tina's Wedding, this show aims to make you part of the experience. We found that as part of the wedding party, you were made to feel a little more at home. While in both cases the cast members didn't really step…

  • Coastal Insurance Insanity

    Reading articles likes this one makes me glad that we live nowhere near the coast. One homeowner in Key West, Florida last year had a wind storm premium for her 1500 square foot home of $14,472. That is absolutely insane, but it's apparently not unusual….

  • New Owner for Carowinds

    It looks like Cedar Fair has offered to purchase the amusement parks from CBS, and that includes Carowinds. No word on whether the current licensing deals (including the Borg and Top Gun) will be extended, or if new ones will take their place. I just hope it means…

  • More Perceived Persecution

    With the release of the movie version of The Da Vinci Code today, a story has hit the wire where a spokesman for the National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation complains about how many albino villains there are in movies, saying "The problem is there has been no…

  • Bewitched by the Twilight Zone

    I've watched a lot of Twilight Zone episodes (at least 98 have been documented at this writing, out of 156, I'm sure I've seen more). I'm starting to draw some conclusions. One of those is that the people who created Bewitched must have been fans of the show….

  • The Hanso Foundation

    It appears that ABC has really upped the ante for this off-season with their new advertising blitz for Lost. Dubbed The Lost Experience, to capitalize on the fact that users who choose to participate will really feel immersed in the whole thing, as if they are actually experiencing…

  • Firefox Regular Expression Tester

    I typically bumble about looking for something to test my regular expressions, and today I stumbled across the regular expression tester for Firefox. It's likely not perfect, but it seems to work pretty well….