April 2006

  • To Beep or not to Beep

    Wow. I haven't posted for a really long time. Sorry about that. Nothing intentional. I just forgot. And have been busy on other things. I'll try and do better. I promise. Anyway, I had to call Equifax the other day. It seems that two of my credit accounts…

  • Importing Account Transactions in Money

    I've used Microsoft Money in one form or another for years. If I had to put a number on it, I'd say since 1997, but I'm just not sure if that's right or not. I want to say that was the year they released it, but I just…

  • Cook Out Restaurant

    The Cook Out is an interesting beast because no one can seem to figure out where they're based. I've heard reports that they are out of Greensboro (NC), but they don't seem to have a web site at this writing, and it just doesn't seem to be anything…

  • VLC Media Player

    VLC (initially VideoLAN Client) is a pretty full-featured media client that offers a ton of features, including one really useful one: Being able to play protected AAC files without the need for iTunes. Yes, you have to have your keys, but you don't have to have iTunes. Find…

  • Please Wait While Domain List is Created

    You may see this error message pop up in a dialog box while trying to login, specifically when you try and change the domain. To get the box to go away, press CTRL-ALT-DEL. To remove the problem entirely, make sure that your DNS is configured properly, by pointing…

  • The DNS Entries for This DC are not Registered Correctly

    This error message comes from an incorrect DNS configuration. I think it was because my DNS was pointing to my ISP's DNS server (techncally, to my router, which pointed to my ISP). By configuring my domain controller (DC) with DNS, which in turn forwarded requests to the ISP,…

  • Multi-user Small Business Accounting

    As I play more with Small Business Accounting (SBA), I actually like it more and more. It has a ways to go, but I like it. However, I want to do some testing with the multi-user settings. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, the multi-user settings have broken. While…