Purple Cow

The subtitle of this book is “Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable”.

What I really found remarkable was that this book could be published. The concept is sound, but it could have been well-covered in a brochure, rather than being extended for some 140 pages. Don’t spend millions on mass-media ads, as they don’t work like they used to work. Instead, find a niche you can service exceptionally well, and offer remarkable service or an outstanding product to this niche. Any questions?




2 responses to “Purple Cow”

  1. BobChao Avatar

    The concept is sound, but it could have been well-covered in a brochure, rather than being extended for some 140 pages.

    so true!

  2. Darryl Avatar

    This is a good book. Very significant to our breed of promoter. Good call in digging it up!