A Bit of Compassion

I can’t count how many times I have seen someone move like lightning because the next checkout lane over suddenly opened, and that person wanted to be the first person there – no matter if they were the last person to arrive in the current line. Does anyone remember elementary school, where someone taking such an action would immediatley be accused of cutting, and sent to the back of all lines.

I can’t even imagine how many times I’ve seen people drive on the shoulder to make sure they travel as far as possible before merging into traffic, just to get that extra half-a-second jump on those other morons waiting their turn. No thought at all goes out to those people in line who are waiting patiently, who now just moved even further back in line, or to the traffic pattern as a whole that you just completely distorted.

Those sort of actions just make no sense. How about instead of looking out for number one, we look out for everyone else? It might just make things a little bit better, and can’t we all use a little of that in our lives? The world is competitive enough – how about taking a look around you and realizing that you aren’t the only person in it?




One response to “A Bit of Compassion”

  1. Beth Avatar

    The thing that really pisses me off is if you get somewhere and there are a couple cashiers and one line feeding into them, and then some jerk comes and makes his own line. And because your one line wasn’t formally feeding into the many cashiers, there’s not a whole lot you can do about it.

    *mutter mutter*