Bloglines Toolkit 1.4.0

I received a note from Simon about an extra separator line in the context menu appearing, even though the context menu had been disabled. He even sent me the code where it was happening! So I’ve whipped up another version of the toolkit. The only change is that the second separator will not display if you have the context menu disabled – if you like the separator displaying, or if you have the context menu enabled, this version will do nothing for you.




23 responses to “Bloglines Toolkit 1.4.0”

  1. Sherri Avatar

    Thanks for this extension; I got it for the sole purpose of enabling the links to be opened in a back tab. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

  2. Daniel Serodio Avatar
    Daniel Serodio

    This extension is great! Thanks for writing it. I only see one possible improvement: Showing the number of unread items over the “B” icon, like Popup Count does.

    Also, why don’t you submit your extension to

    Daniel Serodio

  3. Chad Everett Avatar

    The email address is the address of your Bloglines account, and is used to see if you have any unread messages. It turns on the notifier in the status bar. It doesn’t send email. I won’t say that will never happen, but it’s pretty unlikely.

  4. Aaron Brazell Avatar

    I was confused about the email address thing. I was under the impression it would email you at the address if there were new posts. Any way to add that feature?

  5. Brett Avatar

    It’s a light blue B within a box with a light blue border. When I hover the pointer it says:
    “No unread items. Click to check again. Right click to set your preferences.” (In fact, I have left some items unread on the site just so that we could get this worked out.) This time I installed it on my laptop and it’s doing the same thing. Once again. The context menue items seem to be working the right way. There doesn’t seem to be communication going on between the extension and the Bloglines web site so that the notifier is activated. Is there some sort of protocal for me to check on the Bloglines site. Maybe in my newness to that site I accidentally checked or unchecked something that I wasn’t supposed to.

  6. Chad Everett Avatar

    What image does the tray icon display? What message displays when you hover over the tray icon? What happens when you click on the tray icon?

  7. Brett Avatar

    Ya…checked the spelling because I thought that might be the prob. But, it’s correct. Any other ideas besided uninstalling and trying to download again? BTW, really good extension. Very helpful. And…I thought that your software might be Moveable Type. Every blog that I’ve seen built with that is super. Good job in the design. 🙂

  8. Chad Everett Avatar

    You mention that you have the notifier checked – do you also have the email address entered? If so, could you check it to make sure that it is spelled correctly? This email address should be the same as you use to sign into Bloglines.

    As far as the service, it’s actually software running on my server. It’s called Movable Type.

  9. Brett Avatar

    Hey, Chad. I just added your extension for Bloglines yesterday and it all works the way it’s supposed to except it will not notify me when there are new unread items. I sure would like to have that working right. It would help a lot. I’m running version 0.9.0 of FF and don’t have adblock installed. BTW, what Blog software-service are you using for this blog. I really like it….and, yes, I do have the notifier checked in the preferences.

  10. Jeff Avatar

    For a while I didn’t have the bloglines notifier (I didn’t know there was a 1.3 until I just discovered 1.4, with 1.2 not working on my .9+). I just installed it, there is a the red thing telling me that there are new items, although there are no new items. When I left click it, it opens the preferences menu, not bloglines. Why is this?