Rude and Stupid

I don’t pretend to understand grafitti, the tagging of things with your name, someone else’s name, an insult, or perhaps even a URL. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Someone other than yourself takes the time to do something, and this somehow gives you the right to plaster whatever you like wherever you like. Does anyone else see the problem here, or is it really just me?

Let’s take the recent comment from Freddie McGee:

  Your really stupid!!!!!!

That’s it. Nothing more.

“Your”, as it is spelled in Freddie’s comment, is possessive. So what Freddie apparently forgot to include in this comment is what he (or she) wanted to say about my really stupid <blank>. Perhaps it should have read:

  Your really stupid momma wears combat boots!!!!!!

In which case, I am duly offended and will make sure that she no longer shops at the surplus store and instead heads over to the shelter so that she can get some real shoes at the expense of Freddie’s momma. But I digress.

I think it more likely that instead, Freddie meant to say you’re stupid, which instead of being possessive is a conjunction of the two words you and are, meaning to say that I am stupid, not that I have a relationship to something stupid. Though to give Freddie credit, perhaps that was to be implied.

Does anyone really think that I, or anyone else, will suddenly realize that I am stupid, and that I must repent for said stupidity?

Regardless of your answer to that question, let’s say for a moment that I do feel the need to correct my ways. Why didn’t Freddie at least tell me why I am stupid? Then, perhaps this excellent comment could at least serve to help me recover from my stupidity, rather than be forgotten because it was, well, useless.

On the other hand, I may know a Freddie McGee, and call him (or her) up and have a few choice words for what he dared to write on my web site. Perhaps that’s what this person is after – trying to pick a fight, while not actually getting into one himself. I’d suspect that we will never know.

Freddie, if you’re out there, come back and tell us what we are supposed to do with these words of wisdom!

