The UAE Ports Deal

Ted has another post about the UAE ports deal (which in turn references another post). I’ve been reasonably quiet to this point because I don’t have much to say. This pretty well sums it up.

In a nutshell: The people running the port at the highest and lowest levels aren’t likely to change in any significant capacity, so who cares who gets the profit from the deal? The security is going to be bad regardless of whether it is run by the UAE, the British or the US, so who cares? Spend the time and money on fixing the problems, not making problems where none exist.




5 responses to “The UAE Ports Deal”

  1. Ted Avatar

    As Churchhill said, “Democracy is the worst form of government in the world, except for all the others.”

    Welcome to the democratic form of government in a world where people are educated via the 30-second commercial – although some have been expanded to 30 minutes.

  2. Chad Everett Avatar

    Sure, that’s lovely – until they get power and realize that they have to go about keeping the power. So nothing ever actually gets fixed…

  3. Ted Avatar

    People do what they get rewarded for. Politicians wouldn’t do this if they didn’t think it would get them votes. The goal is no longer to do what is good for the country. The goal is to gain power. They can fix the country later, after they gain power. Until then, everything is subordinate to getting power.

  4. Chad Everett Avatar

    And that’s what really ticks me off. My prior representative, Sue Myrick, is one of the worst such examples, and this time around it’s like she’s been watching too much Ricky Lake (and no, I don’t care if it’s not on the air any longer!). That sort of attitude from an elected official is just wrong.

  5. Ted Avatar

    I don’t think there is any real desire to ACTUALLY fix things. I think it’s just an opportunity to score political points.