December 2005

  • A Matter of Interpretation

    Yesterday I worked the Wuzzles in the local paper for the first time in a good bit. This was incidentally the first time I had received a paper copy in a while, actually….

  • What's Good for the Goose

    Okay, it's not really a typical goose-gander illustration. But I have to say that I side with Joe Horn when he says Jim Mora ought to be fined. Horn is understandably touchy about the subject, with his own huge fine for the ill-fated touchdown celebration. But really -…

  • Structured Blogging and Right Fields

    Recently we've seen the introduction of a couple new additions to the stable of Movable Type plugins, with the pre-release of the Structured Blogging plugin and the beta release of the RightFields plugin….

  • Too Much Time on Their Hands

    I find it interesting that people are so quick to jump on something these days. For instance, I've been helping the folks at Broadband Mechanics put together a plugin to allow for structured blog content (creatively named Structured Blogging). True to form, we get an entry on the…

  • Money for Nothing

    Everyone knows the government spends a ridiculous amount of money on fighting "terrorism" and it doesn't really do much. Do you feel safer knowing the government is on the job? I sure don't. I'm ticked that they introduce delays, close down access and generally make life more difficult,…

  • Changing the Default Windows Wallpaper

    I use remote desktop (terminal services) quite a bit. I also regularly use other remote access methods such as PCAnywhere or VNC. As such, I'm almost always greeted by the default wallpaper when logging onto a PC. Much of this is courtesy of Dell, but others do it…

  • Javascript Redirect Magic

    The comment redirection I'm doing doesn't work with Movable Type out of the box. The problem is that you can return either to the page that submitted the comment (static == 1) or to the comment listing (static != 1). Since I had a pop-up window in the…

  • Firefox Tab Navigation via Keyboard

    While I'm sure everyone else in the world knows this, apparently in Firefox (at least version 1.5, under Windows XP), you can switch between tabs with your arrow keys. Holy Robin Hood, Batman! You see, I've been trying to decide if I could do without the LastTab extension…

  • HTML Titles with Quotes

    As I was working on a project, I noticed that the page was no longer rendering in IE (6.0, XP). Strangely, the title had turned into just the URL, as if there was none, and the styles were gone. On a whim, I moved the title attribute above…