Not Responsible for Anything

As I’m driving to the doctor this morning, I spy a dump truck with one of those stickers on it that reads “Not Responsible for Broken Windshields”. Now I understand the desire of the company to not get a bill from everyone and their brother, claiming that the trucks broke a windshield. But shouldn’t the company exercise at least a modicum of good faith? Looking down, the tires on said truck, where you would normally see a low-hanging piece of rubber, perhaps with some silver naked ladies, barely made it to the top of the tires. I think they ought to be responsible for it at that point.

Moreover, I think I’m going to get a tattoo on my forehead that says “Not Responsible for Anything”. I wonder if that will work?




2 responses to “Not Responsible for Anything”

  1. Lance Avatar

    The truck drivers ARE responsible for anything that falls off of their trucks. They must properly secure their loads. You will notice responsible truck drivers using an airgun to clean their trucks of loose items before they hit the road. The signs are there to reduce their claims, and quite frankly they DO convey a sense of non-responabilty and it allows them to get away with broken windshields.

    If your baby falls out of a window and splatters my car with blood, you’ve got to pay for the damages to my car.

  2. Jason Avatar

    Here in SC, windshield repari coverage is mandatory on every car insurance policy. Therefore, your own insurance will cover anything that happens because of debris flying from a dump truck.