The Place of Government

“Government can do certain things very well, but it cannot put hope in our hearts or a sense of purpose in our lives.”

I like that one. Sums it up nicely. There are undoubtedly some things that the government – any government – can do well. Very well even. But it cannot do everything. What I don’t get is why people (okay, politicians) continue to insist that government can solve all problems.

Read that again. Government cannot give us hope. It cannot give us a sense of purpose. I agree with these things wholeheartedly. Government is welcome to do what they do well, but those things ought to be in the background.

Our current crop of professional politicians seems to have no problem with this statement, but they seem to think that the certain things doable by government are, well, everything. Witness the Patriot Act and the TSA, among other recent notable events, that insinuate the government ever deeper into our daily lives.

Oh, and the quote? None other than George “Dubya” Bush, from The Faith of George W. Bush by Stephen Mansfield.

