Wal-Mart Needs Mail

Wal-Mart has about everything. They need mail. At least a mailbox. I needed to mail a letter the other day and the nearest mailbox was 5 minutes away from Wal-Mart. Okay, 5 minutes isn’t going to kill me, but it was in the wrong direction. And it’s not like I was walking, so I wasn’t getting any healthier in the process. It would have been so much more convenient if I could have just mailed the letter at Wal-Mart.

Even better than a mailbox would be a little shipping center, like the UPS Store. I’m at Wal-Mart every week anyway. Then I could handle my shipping needs while I was there. Anyone in Arkansas listening? If so, I’d just appreciate a little finder’s fee. Nothing much. You can check my wish list for ideas.

